Offers for you
Disclaimer: These financial products are being sold and advertised by Old Mutual, an authorised financial services provider. Craft is wholly owned by Old Mutual.
Old Mutual Limited (OML) is a licensed Controlling Company of the Designated Old Mutual Limited Insurance Group. Registration number 2017/235138/06. Entities in the Group are Licensed Financial Services Providers and Insurers that offer a broad spectrum of financial solutions to retail and corporate customers across key markets in 13 countries.
Protect your income
Flexible Funeral Cover
Take care of your family in times of bereavement even as a gig-worker with variable income
Tax Free Savings
Save some of your big lump sum income for rainy days.
Variable Income Protection
Insure your debt in months where you have low income
Unit Trusts
Unit trusts offer you the flexibility to suit your specific investment needs.
Legal Cover
Essential protection and support for gig workers navigating the complexities of independent work.
Business Insurance
Concentrate on growing your business without worrying about financial setbacks.