our why

We’re unlocking financial freedom for gig-workers

Meet the team behind it all

At Craft, our team is the heart and soul of everything we do. Meet the incredible professional creatives who make coming to work an absolute joy.

Palesa Moloi
Founder & CEO

Palesa is a founder with a successful company exit, passionate about human-centered design and innovation, and experienced as a startup mentor and coach.

Sinesethu Tukani
Product Engineer

Sine is an insightful, goal-oriented software developer and QA tester with a passion for quality assurance, driven by a desire to build, create, and align work with play.

Keamogetswe Moseki
Product Engineer

Kea is a disciplined, software developer and product manager with a passion for web and mobile development, driven to find efficiencies and create shortcuts through practical solutions.

Namrata Zala
Product Sales & Marketing

Namrata is a fun-loving, passionate marketing and sales professional with expertise in various areas, driven by a desire to build, create, while seeking partnership opportunities for Craft.

Dana Harding
Product Designer

Dana is a dedicated web developer and designer with a passion for UX and design systems, driven to find efficiencies and innovative solutions in her designs.


These are our
core values

Human centered

We put the needs of our customers front and centre, where we understand user needs before ideating and designing new products/features. We also create an environment where our team members bring their full-self to work.

Challenging the status quo

Craft doesn't shy away from questioning existing practices or industry norms. Instead, the company embraces a mindset of continuous improvement and encourages employees to seek out new and better ways of doing things.

Experimental & Data-driven

Teams are often given the freedom to create prototypes and test out potential solutions in a safe environment before scaling them up. The company relies on data and analysis to inform decision-making and refine strategies.

Encouraging entrepreneurship

Craft recognises that employees have passions and talents outside of their primary roles. The company actively supports these pursuits, whether they're creative hobbies, freelance projects, or even early-stage business ventures.

What is financial freedom?

At Craft, financial freedom means having equitable access to and the capability to select any financial tool necessary to live the desired lifestyle.

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The Craft Financial Equation

What is a gig-worker?

Gig workers are independent contractors or freelancers who embrace the flexibility of the gig economy.

They set their own hours, often working remotely from home or other locations, and enjoy the autonomy of being their own bosses.

This unique work arrangement provides them with freedoms that traditional full-time employees often only dream of.

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